Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My recent aquarium trip

I went to my local aquarium recently for the second time since I've lived in the area. They have a shark exhibit, which is a train where you go through a tunnel that is a tank full of various shark species such as sandtiger sharks, sawfish, whitetip reef sharks, nurse sharks, and brown sharks. You then go on a bridge over a man-made water way and a giant animatronic shark head comes out of the water. I liked the exhibit okay the first time I went to the aquarium, but the second time I went, I was amazed by it. Not by the animatronic shark head that comes out of the water way but the tank tunnel full of sharks. I also ate at the restaurant at the aquarium, where I had some mahi-mahi fillets. In the restaurant, there was a large tank full of groupers and other fish, which our table was right beside.  There was one shark in it, a blacktip reef shark. I knew there was only one for two reasons. Reason one, it had a small black spot behind it's pectoral fin. Reason two, the pectoral fin by the black spot was bent slightly upward at the tip. The shark swam by several times, one time coming right up to the glass. When it came by, I put my face right up to the glass and watched it's face. I couldn't help but feel as if it looked at me straight in the eyes as it swam by. It felt like I was in the water with it. It might sound silly, but I couldn't help the feeling, I just think that they are so beautiful. One day when I start diving, I am going to have that same experience, only there will be no glass between us.

In the gift shop of the aquarium, I bought a T-shirt. It says on bold letters, 'Aquarium', 'Peace', and 'Love'. Under those letters, it has a small outline of a shark. I think that those three words are three things that sharks need. They need 'aquariums' as in a place to live where are they are guaranteed safe from being harmed. They need 'peace' as in free from human cruelty. Lastly, they need 'love' as in people who care.

Several months ago, I went by plane to Atlanta, Georgia so I could go to the aquarium there, which is the largest in the world. The Planet Shark exhibit was my favorite part of the aquarium. In the gift shop of the Georgia aquarium, I bought a shark encyclopedia as well as a collection of fossilized shark teeth. I would like to continue to buy shark merchandise at aquarium gift shops. I believe that if shark merchandise gains more popularity, more people will be inspired to help make a difference. They are beautiful creatures that should be protected and conserved.

P.S. The Georgia Aquarium has a new dolphin exhibit, which I have no desire to go to. To find out why I don't want to go, visit my other blog at theyneedavoice.blogspot.com.


  1. The aquarium trips are very exciting. However, you're absolutely right - diving in the wild with these creatures would be much more exhilarating. I think you are very brave for a young girl. You have a very exciting life and career before you.

    Keep up the good work getting the information out to help your marine dwelling friends.

  2. Haley, can you explain to me why there was only one shark in the tank alone? What do the black spot and bent fin mean? Was it injured? Is it in danger from other sharks? Or is it dangerous to other sharks? Or do these marks mean it's a male or female shark and they have to be separated?

  3. It was probably alone because blacktip reef sharks are a solitary species, traveling alone instead of with groups like hammerheads and some other species. I think that the black spot was just one of those markings that can be used to determine that specific shark from others. All animals in the same species have the same general markings, but will be a little bit different. The bent fin was probably an injury like you said, because it definitely wasn't normal. But it didn't seem like an injury that could really affect the shark or its life. If you have any other questions about anything else on either of my blogs, I will be glad to answer them for you:)

  4. Ha ha ha. I'm so silly. I get it now. At first, I thought you meant they put one shark in the tank alone because of his spot and bent fin! Now I see that you used the spot and bad fin to figure out that there was only one shark in the tank. These identifying marks allowed you to make a positive identification. Thanks.

  5. You're welcome. I love to answer questions about animals:)
